Friday, February 1, 2013

A number of Wine Care Storage customers have written to me saying that they would like to be included in the litigation.  Now that Wine Care Storage has filed in Chapter 11, it would be prudent for our group to do a number of things:

1.  I will with your backing seek representation on the unsecured creditors committee; and

2.  If I am on the committee, I will seek to have bankruptcy counsel retained to represent our collective interests.  It may even be that the costs of such representation will be paid by the estate of the debtor.

In order to effect the foregoing, I need you to write me at this blog and express your approval of my being on the committee.  The selection for the committee is a matter of discretion for the Bankruptcy Trustee.

In advance, I thank you for your support.


Alan Ballinger


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alan,

    I am interested in your efforts as I am a client of Winecare. Please keep me informed.

    Thank you, JTM

  3. We have a group forming as well contact at

    We should coordinate/combine. I am not sure of best tactic, as they are now shielded by chapter 11 best move might be to form a Bailors Committee (we are not actually creditors)

    There is a decent amount of discussion of the topic here
